Turning interest
into action
A Bit About Us
Our mission at MRCA is to provide ongoing mentorship, communication, and education to and for our organization members and others in support of the healthcare revenue cycle; strengthen the role of healthcare revenue cycle professionals to promote recognition for professional excellence; promote ethics and quality processes while maintaining fiscal responsibility; provide networking opportunities; and provide consultation, direction, and discussion at local, state, and federal levels on all issues that impact healthcare revenue cycle.

What We Do
Michigan Revenue Cycle Association discussions and presentations revolve around current third party issues, billing and collection updates, and other topics pertinent to Patient Accounting and Patient Access.

Patient Accounting & Patient Services
We work to deliver best practices and subject matter expertise to ensure our membership is well positioned to provide the highest quality delivery of both Patient Accounting and Patient Services.

Networking MRCA team meetings offer a great opportunity to network with other providers. Special presentations and breakout sessions are offered routinely as topics are identified by our membership.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent Van Gogh